MEC web service is a dedicated program open to all students partaking in the English language courses alongside our teachers: Mrs Milady, Mr. Alain and Mr. Steven,  be it the initial or advanced courses respectively. Through this online platform, TICs of varied sorts will be integrated in the different stages of the learning process to ease the experience of the acquisition of knowledge and give way for personal growth outside of the class. As such, the program will be an ever evolving platform that will change to answer the demands of the class.

Class material and assignments will be posted and updated at regular intervals, so all students are advised to check up on the web service daily or at the teacher’s recommendation. Other tools and activities will be uploaded for further practice of content already given in the classroom. Vocabulary, homework and study guides will also be uploaded to the web service to instill a sense of diligence and arduous study in all alumni. It is the MEC staff’s intention that this program be a powerful aid in the journey of this second language acquisition.


Kid's Box

Kids Box is the base program for the true beginners. Topics like family, daily routine and many other are addressed in this program. Kids enjoy the versatility of the clases guided by the books, the audios and videos provided by Cambridge University Press to their users.
Click on this link and go to the next page where activities and exercises are loaded frequently for your practice.

Interchange Intro

Conversation, grammar and a great variety of activities are the promise of this program. Teachers and students enjoy the progress of the class and the fun times together.
Click on this link and go to the next page where activities and exercises are loaded frequently for your practice, remember to send the homework to your teacher.


Interchange One

Interchange one is a review and progress of Interchange Intro. Activities are fun, integrating a great load of conversation to the grammar needed. Click on this link and go to the next page where activities and exercises are loaded frequently for your practice, remember to send the homework to your teacher. ​​

Regular Practice

Regularly, recommended videos will be uploaded for you to watch and comment in class. Click on this link and discover what is your visual for today. Enjoy!

How to find us

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The information provided by MEC is for general educational purposes on the exercise of the English language only. All information is provided in good faith, and hoping not to harm anyone as very much of this information is acquired on other sites and youtube. We try to give credits to everyone as their own materials have their names. If the case is different a link is provided for users to understand the source of the information.

If you feel that your right has been harmed in anyway with the use of your information, please contact us and it will be taken away from the site immediately.

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